Another can’t miss weekend coming to Big Powderhorn, as we welcome The Away Team and a Big LebowSKI themed Saturday!
The Away Team is a collective of talented musicians from across the country, coming to the U.P. to serenade you and bring you joy all weekend long!
Saturday, Dress up as your favorite Big Lebowski Dude or Duderino on or off the slopes, prizes for best dressed & White Russian Specials!
The Away Team Schedule
& other happenings
Thursday | 16th
4-6pm | $5 Burger & Beer
6:30pm | Candlelight snowshoe hike and fat bike ride
4-close | Flight Night: White Russians
Friday 17th
3-6pm | Away Team
4-9pm | Fish Fry
8pm | Bifunkal Band *Bifunkal band is a little funk a little reggae and consists of two members of the Away Team who want to keep the party going, make more music and get down and FUNKY!
Saturday 18th
Big LebowSKI Saturday, Lebowski themed attire encouraged!
9am | Live music yoga
8pm-12am | Away Team
*Get down & Dude-y with some
of your favorite Lebowski tunes!
Sunday 19th
11am-2pm | Taco Bar & Bloody Mary Bar
3-6pm | Away Team
4-6pm | $5 Burger & Beer