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DAP Outdoors

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The Downtown Art Place is hosting DAP Outdoors in August!

These hands-on science and art programs run from 9-11am and are limited to 10 kids per program, ages 9-12.  Pre-registration is required, and registration forms can be picked up at the DAP Gallery, local libraries and online.

All programs are free and donations are appreciated.


Program 1: August 4 – Insects at the Ironwood Depot Park with artist Arlene Schneller and naturalist Mollie Kreb

Program 2: August 6 – Birds at Bessemer Bluff View Park with artist Bria Estola and naturalist Jerry Edde

Program 3: August 11 – Shoreline at Wakefield Sunday Lake Park with artist Candace Jacobs and naturalist Holli Jennings

Program 4: August 13 – Trees at Hurley Riccelli Park with artist Peg Sandin and naturalist Laura Scotford-Fedora