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Festival Ironwood – Friday

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Welcome to Festival Ironwood 2019 in Ironwood’s downtown Depot park! For the complete schedule of events, please go to ironwoodchamber.org and click on “events – festival ironwood.”

Friday is Festival Kids Day:
10:00 World’s Largest Duck Pick
10:00 H.O.P.E Animals in the park
10:00 Range Art Association Master’s Art Show opens in the Ironwood Memorial Building
10:00-3:00 Kids Trout Pond in Depot Park
11:00-2:00 Fun E Business and face painting
12:00 noon Brown bag concert at H.I.Theatre
1:00 Kids woodchip scramble
1:00 pie social at Wesley Methodist Church
2:00 Sand Castle Building in Depot Park
4:00 B.A.H.S. dance showcase
4:00 Fish Fry
5:30 Bean Bag Toss Tournament
8:00 Outdoor Pool Tournament

1:30 Dorothy and the Boys
5:30 Red Higgins and Yankee Train
8:30 Black River Band