You’re invited to a good ol’ Balloon Party on Saturday, April 19th from 3:30 – 9 PM at the Iron County Memorial Building.
$50 each – includes pasta dinner
Soda & water
Cash bar with $2 beer and other drink specials
ONLY 150 SOLD- don’t delay they will go fast!
Each ticket includes one free beverage at the event as well!
Available for sale at:
Opie’s Time Out in Gile
Nora’s in Hurley
BUCKO’S in Hurley
$1200 top cash prize and $4000 in cash total with various other prizes as well.
The Gladys M Doucette Scholarship Fund has help over 30 local students with over $40,000 in scholarships to continue their education.
100% of proceeds go to local students
If you or your business would like to donate additional raffle items for the event, please contact Opie & April.