Next week we will explore the Upper Chippewa River, starting at Glidden. My old paddle book says “Because of its remoteness and small size, this portion of the Chippewa River has remained relatively unknown.” So two years ago, Jean, Diane O’K, two guys and I paddled it, and we thought it was an adventure worth a group trip. We had to get out of our boats twice for fallen trees. Of course, this is only true at high water levels, lower water would be worse, so it is definitely a spring trip and we hope we really do get that inch of rain they are talking about on Saturday. Although there are rapids marked on the map, they disappeared at high water. The current was slow but steady. Our biggest problem was that some of the roads had been renamed and we did a bit of driving around trying to find the take-out. However, I took notes, so it should be easier this time. The paddle guide says 3 hours of steady paddling will get us down the first section.
We will meet at the landing at 8:30 am. To get there from Mercer, take Hwy 51 north to County FF and turn left. Follow County FF, and then County F to Butternut and Hwy 13. Turn right (north) and follow 13 almost to Glidden. Just south of town, turn left onto Fishbach Road and go to the end. The carpool will meet at Faith Lutheran Church in Mercer at 7:30 am. I won’t come to town, but I will wait for you at Dear Lodge at about 7:45. Let me know if you are coming!