It’s time for the Mercer Lions Fishing Jamboree!
This year’s event takes place on Saturday, February 15th, starting at the Mercer Community Center.
Registration begins at 7AM, fishing starts at 8AM, Check in will be 3 PM, and awards at 4 PM.
Fishing should occur on Grand Portage Lake, Mercer Lake, and/or Echo Lake.
Registration is $20 for participants 13 and older, FREE to 12 and under.
$500 first place largest fish. Other cash and prizes as well, plus Top 3 for Kids.
There will be bingo noon till 3pm, 50/50 raffle and other raffles.
There will also be food available for purchase at the Mercer Community Center.
Come on down and bring the family to support a great cause and win some nice stuff!