Embark on an extraordinary summer of exploration and learning with our diverse lineup of seven captivating programs in the Upper Peninsula during the week of June 10-14, 2024!
Whether you’re passionate about eSports, culinary arts, technology, craftsmanship, wellness, wilderness adventures, or woodworking, there’s something for everyone. Led by experienced guides and instructors, each program offers a unique pathway to discovery and growth amidst the stunning landscapes of the UP. Join us for an unforgettable experience filled with exploration, learning, and endless possibilities!
For more information and to register, follow visit THIS LINK.
OR contact GCC at SYP.GCC.GOISD@gogebic.edu
Current TRIO students can attend camp for free. Haven’t received your TRIO coupon code yet? Reach out to TRIO at trio@mtu.edu.
Not a part of TRIO yet? You can apply and potentially attend camp for free.