Superior Snowshoe Walks will be in its 13th Season in 2024!
There will be two walks, one starting at 1:00 pm which will follow the schedule below.
Evening walks start at 6:30 pm.
Check back before the walk to see if there is any change to location of walk.
There will be no food following the walks.
Evening walks headlights or flashlights recommended.
January 3rd. Mark Fitting Annual Memorial Walk, starting at Michigan Welcome Center 801 W. Cloverland Dr.
January 10th. Miners Park Walk starts at Aurora Club Ironwood, Mi.
January 17th. Walk starting at Norrie Club Ironwood, Mi.
January 24th. Bonnie St. trail head just South of Dog Park off Ayer St. Ironwood, Mi.
January 31st. Miners Park Trail Head 776 E. Ayer St. Ironwood, Mi.
February 7th Schaumburg Park 9701 N Hwy 51 Hurley Wi. 1:00 @ Depot Park in Ironwood, 6:30 @ Michigan Welcome Center
February 14th. Miners Park Walk starting at Trail Head on Bonnie St.
February 21st. Walk, starting at Michigan Welcome Center 801 W. Cloverland Dr.
February 28th. Norrie Club.
March 6th. Mt Zion Walk starts at the base of the ski hill.
March 13th. Aurora Club will include a walk and potluck bring a dish to pass.
For more info call
Sam or Anne Davey – 932-2020 or cell 906-285-3142
For updates check Superior Snowshoe Walks on Facebook.